Sunday, December 29, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Past Year...Or More.

Yep - It's time for another long, rambling blog post! Since this is mainly just for myself - it may be unintelligible to anyone else reading.  Also - my spelling and grammar will most likely be terrible. If you dare to continue have been warned! 

Let's begin with the health problems. The Doctors I regularly visited (along with some new specialists I had picked up along the way!) could not find a reason for my new found love of hitting the floor as I passed out on a daily.  My neurologist even brought a couple of doctors down from the U of U to have a conference to figure me out. Think House - 'Patient has x, y, and z happening. Why?'. I was anxiously awaiting my next appointment so I could finally have some answers. But alas, nothing. 

Then my Dr. through a curve ball in our direction. She began by explaining that she had remembered two patients that had the same, unexplained phenomenon.  They ended up getting pregnant and voila! They were cured!  She then told me how at the little conference with the U of U experts there just happened to be a pharmaceutical tech there observing and she was wide eyed as they described the exact thing that had been happening to her a few years prior. The same thing followed "Since getting pregnant and having a baby, I haven't passed out since!".

So, my doctor looks at me and Danny and said: "Well, you have two choices. You can go the Mayo Clinic in Rochester for further testing, or you can get pregnant!" If I hadn't experienced a "jaw-dropping" moment before, I certainly did that day. Danny and I just kind of sat there in shock. This is the same woman that had been telling us to wait off on children for years because of the seizures - and now she's telling us to get pregnant? WHAT?!  Finally, Danny broke the silence and said we were going to have a baby...huh?! Did he just say that? I could hardly believe that this was happening.

Fast forward a few months...I got pregnant - and the passing out stopped completely. 

This is just 16 days before our little miracle arrived. Such a huge blessing to have a Doctor in my life that understood that some things in life are more powerful than medicine.  Now we have a beautiful, healthy baby girl, and my health has been much better. Pretty amazing, huh? God really does work in mysterious ways.

I will try my very best to get up to date on our little angel. For now, she's waking up - so I've gotta run!!