Sunday, May 6, 2012


So I don't know how I feel about this whole blogging thing. I've had this bloggity for a good 3-4 years but have yet to post anything. I figured it was time for at least one little update on us. If you don't know who "us" is...that's weird! Why would you want to read about strangers?! :) Here goes...

Danny is working with his dad at Excel Stucco and going to school. He's super happy to be finished for the summer and I can't blame him! He's pretty much amazing and I don't know how he does it all. He works full time, goes to school full time, and then he has to come home and take care of me. I'm sure that someday his good Karma will catch up with him and he'll be rewarded for all of his goodness! 

He really likes fixing up our house (we bought a house!) and yard. The yard started out a beautiful shade of straw-yellow since the bank decided to just spray it with round up. After all of his TLC, we have a wonderful plush, green lawn and I'm not going to lie, I think it looks the nicest in the neighborhood...unless you count the gigantic mansion up the street. They have full time landscapers though, so that's like comparing apples to oranges.

Me - well, you know the story. Stupid health problems! But hey, what can you do? Life wouldn't be the same without all of our crazy trials.  The good news is that my seizures are pretty well taken care of. That's right! After 4 1/2 years of being on meds for it, I'm off! Now if I could only stop the passing out. It makes for a great party trick and a wonderful conversation piece though. Especially when it happens around people I don't know (i.e. restaurants, shops, etc.).  THAT'S THE BEST!! 2 seconds after it happens I am looking up at some poor sap with worry written all over their face. I can't help but laugh sometimes when I come around because I know I will be okay, but they look at me like I'm bleeding out my eyes. Sorry strangers, I'll try to keep it under control for you. At least I faint "gracefully" from what I've been told. That's definitely a plus!  But really, it could be much, much worse. It has gotten better over the last two months or so. Hopefully it just keeps getting better and finally just works it's way out of my system.

As for work - I work for a nutritional supplements company called Nutrigold. My bosses are wonderful and I couldn't ask for better coworkers. I really have been blessed with an amazing employment opportunity. If I had been working anywhere else with these kinds of health issues, I would have been long gone. I'm so lucky that they've been tricked into thinking they need me!! Hahaha. If any of you take supplements, I would recommend checking us out after seeing what others do. It's not even because I work for them, they just really care about making a high end, clean, quality  product and passing it on to consumers. 

And then there's Shadow. He's the best dog ever, he hasn't even jumped out of our car window yet! (That's for you, Megan) He really is awesome. He doesn't chew on things, never has accidents in the house and he just wants our love and attention.  

So - this turned into a super long rambling post, but who knows? It may be my last if you look at my history with my site!